Wayang Klit

Puppet Gagrag Banyumasan is one style of puppetry in Java, which is more known as pakeliran, and serves as an art form and used as a vehicle Klangenan to maintain the value of ethics, devotion and entertainment, the quality is always maintained and dealt with seriously by the experts who understand the true. Pakeliran includes elements that is, the puppet theater (presenting the story and its meaning), Sabet (entire motion puppets), chess (narrative and conversation), musicians (the piece, sulukan and props).

Populist style Banyumas
Pakeliran Gagrag Banyumasan, has the feel of a thick as populist character of its people, honest and forthright, and living and growing in the former residency of Banyumas, and its expression is more free, simple, and straightforward and able to survive today in the face of changing times, due to gain sympathy and love people.

This is in contrast to other regions pakeliran populist style, which tends to extinction, especially in areas close to the center of the palace of power, let alone Wonogiri, Sragen and Karanganyar, where the influence of puppetry as Sultan of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta with the founding of the art of puppetry design Hambiwarakake Andhalang (Habirandha (1925 )), with Pasinaoun Dhalang Kasunanan Surakarta Surakarta (Padhasuka (1923)) and the early 1920s established the Pasinaon puppeteer Mangkunegaran Mangkunegaran (DCI), tends to suppress pakeliran popular styles around, and mejadikan preservation is a challenge.

Banyumasan Gagrag puppetry, gain influence and have the order or the grip of the art of puppetry Surakarta and Yogyakarta, but has its own characteristics with characterizations Bawor with cucumber and Flower song gendhing Banyumasan. Art pedhalangan Banyumasan Gagrag is then standardized and preserved by experts in the community pedhalangan Banyumas ganasidi / puppetry residency former Banyumas, held in Kawedanan Bukateja on 21 April 1979.

Effect of Mataram Gagrag
Effect Gagrag Mataram (Surakarta and Yogyakarta) is stronger, especially through the south coastal region, and known by the art of puppetry Banyumas Gagrag coastal or South Mountain, its influence can be detected up to the range in 1920, and continues to grow through the mastermind Gombong breeds, namely Ki Cerma to with Ki Dhalang Menganti.

Gagrag Lor Mount
While the front area Banyumas (from Purbalingga Serayu then along the River, heading towards the West), has a distinctive and known pakeliran Gagrag Lor Mount, as developed by the masterminds Kesugihan breed (originally from coastal development) of which dalang Said, and growing up the era dalang Parsa, Sugih dalang. But it is less likely to be affected is the coastal dhalang dalang Waryan of Kalimanah.

Up until now remained unknown and sustainable traditional art, namely the South Mountain Banyumasan Gagrag puppetry and puppetry Gagrag Banyumasan Lor Mount (Redi Kendeng).

Puppet Gagrag Banyumasan have characteristics in the story that further clarify the role of small people is manifested in the character as the story Bawor punakawan Dadi Ratu, Petruk Krama and others. Besides that, the puppet Gagrag Banyumasan further highlight the role of youth in the resolution of cases and issues. Heroine Mbarang Lengger story 'which is the canal plays Srenggini Ask Rama is one concrete example of the role of youth as Wisanggeni Antasena and very central.

1 komentar:

mampir lah ya gan...salam kenal bae :D