The debate website

WIKIPEDIA: I know everything.
     FACEBOOK: I'm familiar with everyone.
     GOOGLE: I got it all.
     Mozilla: Without me you can not access.
     EXPLORER: Kan I'm still there.
     Mozilla: What the hell does lo, interfere with the event ONLY!
     EXPLORER: Lo anyway, there's just amit-amit own lo!
     INTERNET: already, already! Do a lot of snout lo all, if not there I'm not going to all of you there!
     FACEBOOK: Huuu, that's my most frequently visited, so I'm the best.
     YAHOO: Facebook, remember, no I can not make Email lo!
     GOOGLE: Yahoo, I can also create email.
     INTERNET: zzz ... I already know the most powerful: p
     COMPUTER: I'm Most gods here.
     PLN: snout lo all! Cave of turns of electrical ya!
     GENERATOR: there's just calm me
     PLN: lu diem
     PERTAMINA: beware all of you, my new fuel supply stop tau flavor lo
     SOLAR CELL: as long as there's still my all safe
     Sun: I sinarin diem Ettt lo Gk
     Water, Coal, etc. Lightning: CAVE THERE!
     Earth: Lo there klo gw gk gk sure there will be
     universe: lo all if you guys would not have GWe not going there ....
     God: without me you all did not exist

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